When Borch's Theorem Does Not Apply: Some Key Implications of Market Incompleteness, with Policy Relevance Today

Date01 October 2016
AuthorJacques Drèze
Published date01 October 2016
Scand. J. of Economics 118(4), 755–784, 2016
DOI: 10.1111/sjoe.12162
When Borch’s Theorem Does Not Apply:
Some Key Implications of Market
Incompleteness, with Policy Relevance
Jacques Dr`
CORE, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, B-1348, Belgium
Markets are incomplete when the assets available to the agents do not span the space of
future contingencies. In that case, competitive equilibria on the markets for assets and com-
modities fail (generically) to be constrained efficient. Pareto-superior allocations can be im-
plemented through price/wage rigidities and quantity constraints. However, nominal rigidities
are conducive to multiple equilibria, implying endogenous macroeconomic uncertainties that
compound the primitive (exogenous) uncertainties. This paper defines a temporary general
equilibrium for which there exists a set of equilibria defining an inflation – unemployment
locus. Various policy implications are drawn, with relevance to the current crisis.
Keywords: Constrained efficiency; coordination failures; multiple equilibria; price rigidities;
temporary equilibrium
JEL classification:D50; D52; D82
I. Introduction
On previous occasions, I have suggested that “the macroeconomic impli-
cations of microeconomics may be a more fruitful research topic than
the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomics” (quoted from Dr`
1987, Section 3.4). The present paper provides an original validation of
that claim. Indeed, Theorem 1 establishes the multiplicity of equilibrium
pairs of macro variables (underemployment and inflation) on the basis of
a model (temporary general equilibrium) rightly labeled micro. The multi-
plicity, a form of endogenous uncertainties, has theoretical as well as policy
relevance – as spelled out in Sections VIII and IX.
Theorem 1 is not original to this paper; it is proven in Dr`
eze (2013). The
originality comes from spelling out and integrating, within a basic standard
This is a revised version of the text distributed in Bergen in 2009 on the occasion of a
Borch Lecture and available as CORE DP 2013/09. I am grateful to Pierre Dehez, P. Jean-
Jacques Herings, Michael Magill, and two anonymous referees, as well as lecture attendees,
for helpful comments.
CThe editors of The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2015.
756 When Borch’s theorem does not apply
model (Sections III and VII), some nested implications of market incom-
pleteness (of exceptions to Borch’s theorem; see Section II): constrained
suboptimality of market equilibria (Section IV); second-best price/wage
rigidities (Section V); multiplicity of equilibria (Section VI). These impli-
cations are insufficiently stressed by macro-theorists, and have not, to my
knowledge, been integrated in published work. One reason is their technical
complexity. In this paper, I aim to provide a readable account of the main
The emphasis is placed on the chain of implications from a specific
market imperfection (incompleteness), which is so patent that it does not
require further empirical documentation.1Of course, it is not claimed that
this is the single path towards spelling out the macro-implications of mi-
croeconomics. However, it is important enough to be privileged here – at
the cost of limiting to brief references the mention of complementary paths.
II. From Borch’s Theorem to Incomplete Market Economies
The theorem of Borch (1960) is the beautiful, transparent statement of a
basic property of efficient risk-sharing among a set of agents. Let Nagents
each be endowed with a random wealth prospect xiof known probability
distribution, and with preferences representable by the expectation of a
concave function of wealth; then, every efficient risk-sharing ar rangement
calls for pooling all risks and sharing the aggregate wealth X=ixi
among all the agents. The share of the aggregate risk borne by each agent
is allowed to depend upon the level of that risk, reflecting individual risk-
tolerances (a property of the utility functions).
Borch (1960) makes reference to the equally general result in Arrow
(1953), where random prospects are defined with reference to an underly-
ing set of Sexogenous states of the world. A wealth prospect is then de-
fined by an S-vector of state-dependent wealth levels. The state-dependent
preferences of an agent are assumed representable by a concave function
of such vectors. Arrow’s theorem states that every efficient risk-sharing
arrangement corresponds to a competitive equilibrium on the Smarkets for
claims contingent on the states (for Arrow securities). It is readily verified
that Arrow’s efficient arrangements satisfy Borch’s theorem.
Borch’s research was motivated by reinsurance problems. He noted mod-
estly that these provide a unique application of Arrow’s model, which
otherwise would miss an empirical counterpart: markets for contingent
claims are not common, and opportunities for risk-sharing remain limited
in today’s world.
1See Magill and Quinzii (1996) for further discussion of that theme.
CThe editors of The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2015.

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