Transnational crimes: how nations should cooperate and why they don't*

Published date01 October 2023
AuthorMehmet Bac
Date01 October 2023
Scand. J. of Economics 125(4), 860–899, 2023
DOI: 10.1111/sjoe.12534
Transnational crimes: how nations should
cooperate and why they don’t*
Mehmet Bac
Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Tuzla, Istanbul 34956, Turkey
Chain-form crime partnerships and intelligence sharing by national authorities to detect
cross-border partners create multiple externalities in the combat against transnational crimes
and illicit traff‌icking. Cooperative enforcements that minimize global harms prioritize the
country with lower intelligence production and/or superior detection capability. In equilibrium,
as in practice, national enforcements are underbudgeted and might prioritize the wrong
side – predominantly the high-budget, high-harm country. Governments might not share
intelligence out of fear of importing enforcement burden, and harmonizing criminal sanctions
alone might not be effective. Shocks on crime deterrence in a target country are f‌irst absorbed
by source countries, implying weaker horizontal crime transfer effects than projected.
Keywords: Harm minimization; illicit traff‌icking; terrorism; budget allocation; enforcement
externalities; intelligence sharing
JEL classif‌ication:H11; K42
1. Introduction
A crime is transnational when its execution in one country involves
perpetrators, victims, or institutions of another country. Prime examples
are illicit traff‌icking of humans, drugs, nuclear materials, and cultural artifacts
from source countries to destination markets across the border. Many terror
strikes are planned and the instruments prepared in an “upstream” country
for execution by “downstream” partners in a target country. Such crime
partnerships create multiple links between national enforcement agencies and
a strong case for cooperation.
Despite the proliferation of international conventions, practical cooperation
is def‌icient.1This paper studies what form international cooperation should
*I thank three anonymous referees for very useful comments. An annual research fund from
TUBA is gratefully acknowledged.
1The United Nations Convention against Illicit Traff‌ic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances in 1988 and the Palermo Protocol signed in 2000 involve a large number of
participants. The Paris Pact initiative has 58 states targeting opiates that originate in a single
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take, and what strategic considerations and outcomes arise if countries fail
to coordinate. It takes a different perspective, focusing on two underexplored
features of transnational crime and its enforcement: the chain structure of
crime links (partnerships) and the possibility of intelligence sharing between
national authorities.
There is substantial evidence that transnational crimes are predominantly
executed by small and ephemeral groups.2The falling trend in organization
size and the chain structure of crime links raise two fundamental questions.
For two countries in a forged relationship to address the problems associated
with illegal drugs, guns, and immigration, curtailing one leg of crimes would
create partner shortages and reduce the harm in both countries. Thus, which
country should joint enforcement prioritize to minimize the harms? Intuition
suggests that the answer should depend on total harms and not the distribution.
However, for national authorities, the harms across the border matter little and
incentives to divert enforcement resources to local crimes, even earmarked
foreign aid, are strong. Thus, how will the countries allocate resources
between local and transnational crimes if they do not cooperate, or if they
conf‌ine cooperation to specif‌ic areas?
The transnational context presents a rich set of policy issues. Some of these
issues, in particular those bearing on technical forms of cooperation, have
not been subjected to scrutiny. Investigations in one country can reveal crime
partners across the border and lead to their arrest. This kind of information
exchange adds another layer of enforcement externality and has strategic
policy implications. Harmonizing criminal sanctions is also thought to be
effective by raising deterrence in source countries with weaker enforcements.
It is not clear, however, if these piecemeal measures could disturb actual
crime links and deliver harm reductions in target countries with stronger
I develop a model in which an upstream country (source) and a
downstream country (target) allocate their enforcement budgets between
local and transnational crimes to minimize expected harms within their
borders. Undeterred transnational criminals seek crime partners from the
source country, Afghanistan. Annual reports published by the United Nations stress the need for
action and stronger global cooperation (see United Nations Off‌ice on Drugs and Crime, 2020).
Cooperation failures are attributed to concerns about autonomy, sovereignty, corruption, lack of
trust, and asymmetry of resources and political will. Indeed, few of the 157 states that are party
to the Palermo Convention have used it as an instrument to facilitate international cooperation.
2The decline in market concentration in the international drug trade is documented in Golz and
D’Amico (2018). Bouchard (2006) studies a sample of incarcerated dealers in Quebec and reports
that 60 percent were active in organizations of 2–10 members. Bouchard and Morselli (2014,
see also references therein) observe that “offenders get together for one importation or a few
transactions, and then they split up”.
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862 Transnational crimes: how nations should cooperate and why they don’t
other side to complete their crimes. The probability of matching at one side
depends on the measures of potential criminals seeking to match from both
sides, and thus on deterrence in both countries. Those who f‌ind a partner
and complete their crimes can be detected directly by enforcement units
of the country in which they operate and, if the countries share intelligence,
indirectly through their partners detected across the border. As such, the model
highlights two types of enforcement externalities. First, powerful enforcement
in country 𝑖reduces the number of individuals/organizations participating
in transnational criminal activity by creating shortages of 𝑖-criminals. This
“matching-shortage” externality operates by lowering the matching probability
for potential 𝑗-criminals and consequently reduces crime in country 𝑗as well.
Second, and independently, if the countries share intelligence, then an increase
in one country’s enforcement raises the probability of detection in the other
country. This positive “trace-back” externality can be asymmetric.3If the
countries do not coordinate, then both types of externalities will distort the
allocation of global enforcement resources. I study cooperative resource
allocations minimizing joint harms, contrast these with non-cooperative
equilibrium outcomes with and without intelligence sharing, and evaluate
sanction harmonization initiatives. An extension of the model focuses on
horizontal crime transfer effects between downstream countries.
The analysis shows that total harms are minimized by prioritizing one
side of the border, even if enforcement resources and technologies are
fully symmetric, regardless of the harm distribution. The matching-shortage
externality can operate in one direction only. If enforcement technologies
(direct detection capabilities) are identical, the country to prioritize is the
weaker side of intelligence, for this will maximize the measure of cross-border
criminals traced back from the side with superior intelligence. If intelligence
capabilities are symmetric, then of course the side with superior enforcement
should be prioritized.
The main problem with actual enforcement of transnational crimes is
not that some countries seem to do less and others more – because, as
this paper shows, enforcement outcomes are asymmetric at all levels of
cooperation – but that the allocations might be prioritizing the wrong side.
The bulk of drug traff‌icking enforcement takes place in target countries
with little or no intelligence support from source countries, and efforts to
counter human traff‌icking scrutinize borders instead of recruitment activities
3Intelligence production capabilities differ and depend on coordinated efforts by several
departments. Intelligence effortsare multidisciplinary, as in the testing laboratories that determine
the origins of heroine and cocaine seizures. The Fentanyl Signature Prof‌iling Program of the
Drug Enforcement Agency in the United States, for example, has established 96 linkages
involving 192 cases since its inception United States Department of State (2020).
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