Contributions of Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström to Contract Theory

Published date01 July 2017
Date01 July 2017
Scand. J. of Economics 119(3), 489–511, 2017
DOI: 10.1111/sjoe.12245
Contributions of Oliver Hart and Bengt
om to Contract Theory
Klaus M. Schmidt
University of Munich, DE-80539 Munich, Germany
Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstr¨
om were awarded the 2016 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Eco-
nomic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for their fundamental contributions to contract
theory. This article offers a short summary and discussion of their path-breaking work.
Keywords: Contract theory; incomplete contracts; Nobel prize; optimal incentive schemes
JEL classification:B21; D23; D82; L20
I. Introduction
The 2016 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of
Alfred Nobel was awarded to Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstr¨
om for their
fundamental contributions to contract theory. Oliver Hart was born in
1948 in London. He studied mathematics at King’s College in Cambridge
and economics at Warwick University, and he did his PhD at Princeton
University in 1974. He worked at the University of Essex, Cambridge
University, the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) before going to Harvard University in 1993.
Bengt Holmstr¨
om was born in Finland in 1949. He studied mathematics
at Helsinki University and Operations Research at Stanford University,
where he also did his PhD at the Graduate School of Business. He worked
at Northwestern University and Yale University before moving to MIT in
Contract theory analyzes the optimal design of incentive schemes (“con-
tracts”) that induce the involved parties to behave more efficiently. It
is closely related to mechanism design theory, for which Leonid Hur-
wicz, Eric Maskin, and Roger Myerson received the 2007 Sveriges Riks-
bank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. While
mechanism design theory is mostly interested in allocation mechanisms
that involve many agents (such as markets, auctions, tax systems, etc.),
Financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through CRC TRR 190 is gratefully
CThe editors of The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2017.
490 Contributions of O. Hart and B. Holmstr¨
om to contract theory
contract theory focuses on situations in which only a few parties interact
with each other (often just two).
Contract theory deals with a fundamental problem of economic co-
operation. Two (or more) parties can jointly generate a surplus in addition to
what each of them can generate on their own. The amount of the surplus de-
pends on the actions that each of the parties take. The problem is that each
party has an incentive to behave opportunistically (i.e., to maximize its own
pay-off rather than the joint surplus). If the parties could write a complete
contingent contract that specifies the actions that each of them has to take
in every possible state of the world and if this contract could be enforced
by the courts, then the solution to this problem would be trivial. The parties
would write a contract that obligates them to take exactly those actions that
maximize the joint surplus in each possible state of the world, and then they
would share this surplus in some way between them. If a party deviates
from the prescribed behavior, then it has to pay a penalty that is sufficiently
high to guarantee that everybody honors the terms of the contract.
Unfortunately, in the real world, it is often impossible to write complete
contingent contracts, for example, because the actions of some parties are
not observable (moral hazard) or because the actions or the different states
of the world cannot be described and verified to a third party, such as the
courts (incomplete contracts). In these situations, it is still possible to write
contracts, but these contracts cannot enforce the desired behavior directly;
rather, they have to offer incentives that induce the parties indirectly to
behave more efficiently. This could be financial incentives, career concerns,
or incentives that are provided by the allocation of control and property
Hart and Holmstr¨
om developed canonical models for the analysis of the
optimal design of incentive mechanisms. Because of their contributions, we
now have a much better understanding of the incentive effects of contracts
and of how optimal incentive mechanisms should be designed. There is
a broad range of possible applications of these models. They include the
optimal design of incentive schemes for managers and workers, the optimal
financial structure of a f irm, the optimal design of hierarchies and decision
structures in organizations, and the optimal allocation of property rights. A
large body of literature on contract theory grew out of their work, which
cannot possibly be summarized in this short review. A good overview of
this literature is provided by the textbook of Bolton and Dewatripont (2005)
and the anthology edited by Aghion et al. (2016).
In this short paper, I first discuss Bengt Holmstr ¨
om’s work on optimal
incentive schemes with moral hazard. I then move on to Oliver Hart’s work
on incomplete contracts and the optimal allocation of property rights. They
were awarded the 2016 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in
Memory of Alfred Nobel for these contributions. Both authors have made
CThe editors of The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2017.

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